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Lesson 2: Moving around the filesystem

In the previous lesson, you learnt about the Home folder and how to list files that this folder and its subfolders contain.

Essentially, the Home folder is where your personal files such as Documents, Downloads and Pictures are stored by default. You also learnt that the Home folder is located at /home/username on Linux and /Users/username on macOS.

Entering and exiting folders

In a GUI, we navigate the filesystem with a combination of double clicking folders and pressing the Back and/or Up buttons in a file browser.

On the command line, we do this with the cd (think change directory) command. As an example, let's go to the Documents folder and see what it contains:

> whoami
> pwd
> cd Documents
> pwd
> ls
'Office presentation.ppt'  Firstdraft.doc  syllabus.pdf

Here's what just happened:

  • The first pwd (present working directory) command revealed the current directory. In this case, your Home directory.
  • The cd Documents command tells the system to "change directory" to the Documents folder.
  • After moving to the Documents folder, the second pwd command displays the name and path of the current directory. In this case, /home/username/Documents.

This step is only necessary because the command line, in its infinite compassion, does not offer a single word of encouragement when you do everything right. It only lets you know when you mess up.

  • The ls command "listed" the files and folders in your Documents folder.

Taking a step back

Let's try to go back to where we started, i.e., the parent directory -- the Home folder in this case. The symbol for the parent directory is the cryptic .. (two dots).

> cd ..
> pwd

Here, we told the cd command to change directory to the parent directory.

Running the command again will take us to the parent directory of /home/username:

> cd ..
> pwd

Unlike the ~, or tilde symbol which is absolute, the .. is relative. For example, running cd ~ while you are in, say, /example/folder always takes you to your Home directory.

cd .., however, depends on where you are in the file system -- running cd .. in /example/folder takes you to /example.


1. Run the following commands and observe the output. Is the behaviour what you expected it to be?

> cd ~/Documents
> cd ~/Pictures
> pwd

2. Similarly, run cd ~/Downloads, followed by ls ../Documents and observe the output.

3. Do the first exercise again. Now, run the following commands:

> cd -
> pwd
> cd -
> pwd

Based on the output, try to guess what the - symbol means. Is it relative, or absolute?

Doubts and explanations

Explaining the - symbol

Running the commands in Exercise 3 should go something like this:

> cd ~/Documents
> cd ~/Pictures
> cd -
> pwd
> cd -
> pwd

The - symbol, like .. is a relative symbol. Running cd - takes you back to the directory that you were in previously.

Think of it as alternatingly pressing the "Back" and "Forward" buttons in a GUI file browser.